Environmental protection technology

Short description of the program

Requirements for the system of management and environmental protection; concepts of resource recovery and resource conservation; principles of creating resource-saving and waste-free technologies; basic provisions of integrated use of raw materials at production facilities; factors of negative anthropogenic impact on the environment;

technologies of processing and neutralization of wastes of different composition; issues of utilization, recovery and recycling of production and consumption wastes; development of environmental projects for impact assessment and justification of economic activity


Formation of ideas about the specifics of the impact of production facilities on the environment and the concepts of resource-saving and low-waste technologies

Results of training:

  • Uses the concepts of resource reproduction and resource conservation in the field of environmental protection;
  • Participates in the development of resource-saving and waste-free technologies;
  • Applies the basic provisions of integrated use of raw materials at production facilities;
  • Solves issues on reduction of negative anthropogenic impact on the environment;
  • Uses modern technologies for processing and neutralization of waste of various compositions at production facilities;
  • Solves the issues of utilization, recovery and recycling of production and consumption waste;
  • Participates in the development of environmental design of production facilities.


  • Environmental resource science - 5 academic credits
  • Technology of processing of waste - 5 academic credits
  • Integrated use of raw materials and waste-free technologies - 5 academic credits
  • Environmental design - 5 academic credits
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